Sunday, 13 February 2011


Why PowerPoint? Prezi or Brainshark was introduced to me recently, and because I'm unaware of how to use it, learning to use either presentation sites would take longer than actually writing the evaluation; therefore, powerpoint would be convienient and less time consuming.

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Evaluation Notes

Questionnaire - Feedback

We've received approximately 17 responses from both female and male audiences, though with the majory being female.

How professional does the magazine cover look (on a scale of 1-10)?

(1 being unprofessional, 10 being very professional)

How professional does the poster (on a scale of 1-10)?
(1 being unprofessional, 10 being very professional)

This poster would make me want to see the movie

How professional does the trailer look (on a scale of 1-10)?
(1 being unprofessional, 10 being very professional)
I understand the concept of the story

The title of the story is effective

The trailer was effectively spine-chilling (scale of 1-10)
(1 being not effective, 10 being very effective)

Further Comments: (e.g. what did you most like about the trailer/magazine cover/poster? What could be improved?)
Good/engaging, music/scenes perfect and in tune, Adeeti should look more scared, more creative font, title implies marriage and is too long, should be changed, Travoir looks very intimidating and scary in poster and looks professional, seemed very real, liked poster the most and title font could be improved, amazing and very professional, trailer was very deep.

Showcase Invitations

We created invitations and stuck around the school to invite an audience to see our premiere. We used our villain's eyes and created a blood-shot type of effect, whilst blackening out the rest of the face.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Our Poster

Below is the final poster and, similarly to our magazine cover, I've analysed the details within.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Our Total Film Magazine Cover

I analysed conventions that I've used in the magazine cover that would similarly apply to Total Film covers. Below was the original cover we created using Adeeti posing for the magazine cover.

Below is the final creation of our front cover using Travoir instead posing as the villain in the magazine.
The Total Film covers on the side of the analysis have the many conventions that I've used for our cover.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Analysis of Magazine Cover

While looking through covers of Total Film and Empire, I've analysed the conventions that are used:

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Choosing our music

After browsing through several horror-sounding pieces of music, I managed to pick something that would less likely be recognised to emphasise a more realistic atmosphere within our trailer. The song piece I found was created by Midnight Syndicate, whom are an American musical group that work mainly in the genre of gothic music since 1997. The music piece we've chosen is called "Grisly Reminder".

In the making: The music starts slowly to focus of creating mysterious tension, but in the middle I've decided to speed it up (since the song plays slow continiously) to make the trailer more fast-paced and horrific. The song then comes to a sudden halt for a dramatic pause whilst the audience takes in all the quick flashing images, and slowly reverts back to its normal speed to bring back the creepy atmosphere. Additionally, I've merged another piece of suspence-style music to emphasise that fast and snappy effect on the trailer and this includes the explosion effect that comes with the text.

Sound Effects: SFX can be heard from the beginning when hearing the sound of a moving train. The speech in the trailer ("I think someone's watching me...etc") was merged with a reverb effect to create that mysterious dream-like effect.

About the band: They refer to their CDs as "soundtracks for the imagination" or "soundtracks to imaginary films." Most of the songs on their thirteen albums are created with blend of instrumental music and sound effects and are commonly used to provide atmosphere during the Halloween season, in haunted attractions, and in the role-playing game industry.


We've decided it would be more useful if we were to receive feedback from several different people. We've posted our video on all of our Youtube accounts, twitter, DeviantArt and Facebook; and have successfully received well-given comments, along with constructive criticims.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011


Finally after a huge group effort and weeks of editing, with the help of my editing software (Sony Vegas 10), our trailer was completed.

The Rating Card

Within our trailer, we've decided to add the American-style rating card before the start of the trailer.

Due to the certificate of our movie (18), we've decided to stick with the red, restricted rating
card. This means that our company is an American corporation in which sets the film in London.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

JiGSAW Productions

After shifting from one idea to another, we finally managed to come up with a production name in which we were all satisfied with. Once we've settled with the name, we created our logo using photoshop.
Our logo consists of a puzzled in which surrounds the letter "i" in the name, with "productions" underneath "saw", seperated with a white straight line. rather than associating our name with horror, we wanted to decide upon something that would not sound like anything associated with the horror genre. There are several other well-known procution names that distribute horror movies wihtout having to sound horrific (e.g. Lionsgate)

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Production Names/Logos

As we have yet to decide on our production name or logo, I've done some researching for inspration and found several in which are well-known. This would help us explore what makes a good, appealing logo.

Below are some of the well-known production names:

Thursday, 6 January 2011