Thursday, 25 November 2010

Media Narrative

Title: Till death do us part

Tag Line: "If I can't have you no one can"

The film begins with a girl named Jayden walking out of a train station with books stacked in her arms. She suddenly trips and drops her books, so she bends down to pick them up. A guy named Carnell then kneels towards to help her pick up her heavy books. They both smile at each other and she thanks him as she leaves; her locket slips from her neck. He watches her walk away as she heads over to the local ice rink to meet some friends.

Jayden and her friends are having a good time skating around the rink. An hour later, her friends decide to leave to meet other friends for a drink up and spend the night with their boyfriends. She is invited, however rejects their invitation as she has an English assignment to complete and wants to skate a bit more.The next scene shows her ice skating alone, with a suspicious figure watching her as she does so. Once she is finished, she heads to the locker room to get her shoes changed. She then hears an unusual and sudden noise, leaving her wary. Jayden calls out waiting for a response but hears nothing, so she gets up to leave. However, the suspicious figure instantly approaches her view. With a sudden fright, she jumps backwards to only see that it was Carnell. He chuckles and apologises for the unexpected appearance and making her jump.

Carnell attempts to make conversation with Jayden; however she is clearly uncomfortable with this and says she has to go home and walks away as fast as she can. Whilst she walks away, he is watching her again. She quickly goes home, and sits on the sofa with a cup of tea. She gets up to look out of the window as she sees an unusual dark figure, and immediately notices someone’s standing their, staring at her. When she turns her head to look away and back, the figure disappeared. She turned her back once more and felt someone running past across the window. She feels her stomach turn at the thought of someone watching her, but decided to shake away the unsettling thoughts. She sits on her computer to start her English essay and checks her mail. She sees a message that was sent from an unknown email. Suspiciously, she opens the message and her heart raced reading it as it read ‘I’m watching you.’ Her phone suddenly rang, making her jump instantly. She answers the phone but the other line immediately cuts. She then jolts at the sound of her doorbell. Jayden cautiously headed to her door and peeked through the hole. It was the 'stranger' from the train station. This makes her feel anxious, however she opens the door and he says he needs directions. She tells him to ask someone else but he persists. She eventually gives in, and he forces himself into her home.

She goes to the other room to grab her mobile phone and text one of her friends to come to her house as soon as possible as she feels unsafe. Suddenly, Jayden hears a smash from the living room. She runs to see what has happened. She is horrified when she sees Carnell fuming with rage. He laid his eyes on a photo of Jayden and some of her friends, which filled him up with jealousy and anger, so he threw it. We get a flashback of his shrine to her.

He turns his attention away from the photo as he notices her unsteady breathing and asks what’s wrong. She replies with ‘I think someone’s stalking me’. He asks if her parents are in and she tells him that they have gone up north for a couple of days. She then says ‘I need to call the police’. She grabs her phone and starts dialling when all of the sudden Carnell snatches it from her and the electricity cuts off – so her house is in darkness. She looks up at him warily as he says ‘I wouldn’t do that if I were you’; he shoves his hand into his pocket and takes out the locket she dropped at the train station. She stood silently before responding... ‘It was you’.

She becomes extremely frightened and screams trying to run out the house. He grabs and pushes her against the wall. She screams for help, but nobody is around to help her. He abrasively places his hand over her mouth and she struggles for freedom. He says ‘you’re mine’ as if he owns her. She grabs a wooden ornament and hits the side of his head which instantly shoves his hand away from her mouth, so she runs to the kitchen while he chases. She runs out the back door screaming for help as he continues to pursue her.

The streets were dark and no one was around. She spots a door opened in a building and rushes in to call for help. However, no one was inside and by the time she realised it, Carnell was already in the building and locked the door, blocking the only exit. Jayden tries to find other doors or windows but all were locked.Carnell is trying to chase and catch her; she’s trying to find a way out. The whole setting is deadly silent. The only sound that can be heard is the heavy panting from Jayden as she runs aimlessly through the corridors, trying to find a weapon to defend herself. She then stops as she sees a window, hoping to find a way out from there. She cautiously paces across the dark room, heading towards the window as silently as possible. As we now temporarily see through her eyes, we watch as she gets closer to the window, when all of a sudden, Carnell speedily emerges on the other side of the window. She screams and runs off. She finds a room and hides in it while trying to come up with a plan. She realises the only way to get the killer off her back is to get rid of him once and for all.

Jayden finds a sharp piece of wood. She tries to reach for it silently; however the wood slips through her fingers and clangs against the floor. Carnell hears and follows the sound of the crash with a knife in hand. He finds her and attacks, trying to stab her viciously in the chest but misses and stabs her in her left arm; Jayden is in agony and drops to the floor, but still has the wood in her right hand. Carnell grabs his knife and is about to slit Jayden's chest open, but she quickly grabs the wood and stabs Carnell in his side. She leaves him in the floor and runs down the corridor. She lets out a sigh of relief. But she feels woozy and ends up faintly from a huge loss of blood. The camera zooms out of her face for a fews seconds and then last scene shows her eyes abruptly opening.

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